Tag Archive for: "China"
Hong Kong’s autonomy, dying in full view

It may have gone unnoticed as the world continued to deal with the coronavirus pandemic that the Chinese Communist Party has taken the opportunity to effectively kill off Hong Kong’s ‘one country, two systems’ experiment. …

A positive South Pacific vision

Covid-19 and China challenge Australia in the South Pacific. Add in the category-five severe tropical cyclone that’s just pounded Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and Tonga. The pandemic and the aftermath of Cyclone Harold constitute the …

Policy, Guns and Money: Uyghurs for sale

In this episode, we hear from Vicky Xu, Kelsey Munro and Nathan Ruser of ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre. They’re three of the authors of Uyghurs for sale, which was released last month and exposed …