Tag Archive for: "China"
A global environmental threat made in China

Asia’s future is inextricably tied to the Himalayas, the world’s tallest mountain range and the source of the water-stressed continent’s major river systems. Yet reckless national projects are straining the region’s fragile ecosystems, resulting in …

ASPI suggests

The world The world lost another one of its greats this week. Kofi Annan passed away after a short illness. Ramesh Thakur looks back at the former UN secretary-general and Nobel Peace Prize laureate’s achievements, …

Huawei and 5G: clarity in an uncertain world

The Turnbull government’s latest announcement on how its new telecommunications sector security reforms will apply to 5G in Australia has effectively excluded Huawei (and ZTE, the other Chinese large telecoms provider) as vendors of 5G …