Tag Archive for: "China"
Big Oz bets on Asia (part 3)

Two visits to Australia by the Chinese leader Li Keqiang illustrate the China sweet-and-sour. The just-completed trip by Premier Li for the annual leaders’ summit was all about the sweet. Just the fact of the …

Is Australia now China’s strategic prize?

The Australia–China–US triangular relationship is becoming ever more important as Chinese power and influence continue to rise, as America’s Asia policy enters a highly uncertain and even capricious phase under President Donald Trump, and as …

Cyber in 2017: reading last year’s tea leaves

2016 was a tumultuous year in cyber security. But there were three stories in particular that will likely have implications for events this year. The first is Russia’s cyber influence campaign that helped Donald Trump …

President Trump: four scenarios

At ASPI’s recent State of the Region Masterclass (PDF) I detailed some “alternate futures” for the Trump administration. In truth no-one, not even Trump himself, can be sure how his presidency will evolve. The future …