Tag Archive for: "China"
Australia’s uncertain strategic environment

For the last three decades our official analysis of Australia’s strategic environment has emphasised its fluidity. That trend is rising sharply. Indeed, today we face more uncertainty in our strategic environment than at any time …

Not Trans, not Pacific, not Partnership

Vale the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP has shattered, or sunk, or just slipped away. The symbolism is a US retreat from Asia. Donald Trump is changing the way America’s substance is weighed by the region. …

Indo-Pacific: the maritime and the continental

Australia’s strategic antennae are highly sensitive. In recent years those antennae have had many reasons to twitch, chief amongst them being China’s rise and the disruption it’s causing to the region. One of the most …

From Pivot to hammer

‘If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.’ As the Pivot passes, Asia confronts a new President who seems to think all the US needs is a bigger and better hammer. …

Preparing Asia for Trump

Whether or not US President-elect Donald Trump behaves better once in office than he did on the campaign trail, America’s global authority has already taken a battering, not least among its allies and partners in …