Tag Archive for: "China"
Why Japan and South Korea care about Taiwan

A piece missing from Australian conversations on the China–US tangle over Taiwan is the island’s growing strategic importance to other countries in the region. What happens between Beijing and Taipei matters for Japan and South …

Is China’s economy about to go bust?

Australia is more exposed to a downturn in the Chinese economy than any other advanced country. So far, however, commodity markets provide no evidence of a Chinese recession around the corner. The spate of gloomy …

For whom the BRICS toll

Last week’s BRICS summit—bringing together the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa—was touted as a pivotal event that could change the contours of international relations. Some compared it to the Bandung conference …

China’s homegrown crisis

China’s economic reality, until recently, was nothing short of extraordinary. The nation’s annual economic output soared from under US$500 billion to US$18 trillion between 1992 and 2022, with years of double-digit growth pushing annual GDP …