Tag Archive for: "China"
Modi’s drive to connect India with the world

As Narendra Modi shifts Indian foreign policy from looking to acting—from passive to active—he’s also counting on an infrastructure push to better connect India at home and with its region. India’s connectivity drive includes projects …

ASPI suggests

Monday was a public holiday across the country, providing Australians with some solemn space to reflect and give thanks for the contributions and sacrifices made by our defence force personnel. Lest we forget. Onto this …

Playing by the rules in Asia

China’s adventurism in the South China Sea has prompted a change in Australian policymaking that merits wide international attention. In making maintenance of a “rules-based global order” a core strategic priority, Australia’s new Defence White …

Asia’s troubled water

Asia’s water woes are worsening. Already the world’s driest continent in per capita terms, Asia now faces a severe drought that has parched a vast region extending from southern Vietnam to central India. This has …

ASPI suggests

In the spirit of President Frank Underwood, whelcome back to another wheek of ASPI suggests. The Pulitzer Committee did us a great service this week in doling out the 2016 prizes. Some prime picks include …