Tag Archive for: "China"
Why the PLA is a paper tiger

It’s becoming commonplace to drum up the military threat from China and belittle America’s military capabilities. Much of this commentary reminds me of statements in the mid-1980s that the former Soviet Union was poised to …

Australia and ASEAN

Graeme Dobell and Matt Davies have both written engaging contributions respectively for and against Australia’s possible future membership of ASEAN. I’m grateful to Graeme for presenting so cogently the arguments for Australia’s seeking admission. But …

Cyber wrap

Following up on last week’s cliffhanger, the Safe Harbour agreement was deemed invalid by the European Court of Justice. For the last 15 years, this agreement has allowed the transfer of EU data across the …

An ADIZ with Chinese characteristics

While China’s unilateral declaration of an Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) over disputed waters in the East China Sea (ECS) caught many by surprise, today’s debate circles around the likelihood that Beijing might take the …