Tag Archive for: "China"
Cyber wrap

The gargantuan scale of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) hack, initially thought to have affected 4 million current and former US government workers has now ballooned to over 9 million. The White House announced …

Decoding the US and China

The strategic discussion between the US and China can’t be called a dialogue of the deaf. The talk is loud and each side hears the other. Yet a lot of mishearing is happening. Perhaps the …

Pakistan’s pivot to China

In the last few months Pakistan’s Government has made a number of decisions that have drawn the country even further into China’s geostrategic orbit. And although China and Pakistan have had a long and fruitful …

A post-ANZUS world?

In my first post yesterday I set out the case for a radical reappraisal of our alliance with Washington. My argument doesn’t reflect a neutralist or anti-American disposition. Rather it’s an attempt to advocate a …