Tag Archive for: "China"
Rapid Fire

This week’s update features Afghanistan, dishonesty in the US Army, Land 400, the PLA’s war-gaming technology, Houthi rebels, and women in combat. Over on Small Wars Journal, the ADF’s Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Smith released a paper …

ASPI suggests

Kim Jong Un unveils sculpted eyebrow work and defined hair at Politburo meeting today | @KCNAWatch pic.twitter.com/lbejbtJeUb — Frank Feinśtein (@frankfeinstein) February 19, 2015 In this week’s collection of reads and podcasts, we’ve got Islamic State …

Sea State

Submarines were the big story in Australia last week, and there was a great deal of coverage focusing on the political dimensions of that story in the Aussie press. The Prime Minister ruled out an open tender …

Asia’s trend and temperature

Trend stories are always about the warmth of the water and the health of the frog. How close to boiling is the water, how much capacity does the frog have to respond? Asia’s darkest trend …