Tag Archive for: "cyber"
Cyber wrap

The UK Parliament’s e-mail system was targeted by a sustained brute-force password-guessing attack last Friday, forcing parliamentary staff to temporarily block remote email access and mandate password changes. The ‘rudimentary’ but effective attack resulted in …

On the inevitable failure of cyber security

While the Australian Government’s Cyber Security Strategy contains many good initiatives, the government’s narrative needs to evolve to account for inevitable failures. Current government rhetoric is decidedly inconsistent: cyber espionage is alive and well, yet …

Cyber wrap

The encryption debate has continued to dominate cyber security news this week. German ministers discussed measures to monitor encrypted messaging by forcing ‘source telecoms’ to install monitoring software. Conversely, the European Parliament is currently considering …

Cyber wrap

Prime Minister Turnbull issued his national security statement in Parliament yesterday, again calling on cooperation on decryption from social media and messaging platforms when countering violent extremists. The topic is set to be the key …