Tag Archive for: "cyber"
Cyber wrap

Tony Abbott’s Telecommunications Sector Security Reforms continues to cause angst with major telco and tech firms. The proposed amendments to legislation including the Telecommunications Act and Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act would force telcos to …

Cyber wrap

This week kicks off with news that the UN GGE on Cybersecurity has produced a consensus document after their most recent meetings at the UN HQ in New York. In what’s a nice win for …

Cyber security: the new captain’s pick

At the launch of ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre in 2013 I fielded a question from the audience: ‘What will help advance and grow the nature of the discussion on cyber security within Australia?’ My …

Cyber wrap

Cyber security has impacted on the US Presidential race this week, with Hillary Clinton condemning Chinese hacking at a campaign event. Her commentary—that the Chinese are ‘trying to hack into anything that doesn’t move’—was part …

Cyber wrap

Last week saw the conclusion of a series of high-level meetings in Washington between US and Chinese government officials as a part of the annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED). There were a couple of …