Tag Archive for: "cybersecurity"
Policy, Guns and Money: Mike Rogers on cybersecurity

In this episode, Brendan Nicholson talks cybersecurity with the former chief of both the US National Security Agency and Cyber Command, and now distinguished visiting fellow with ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre, Admiral Mike Rogers. …

The Strategist Six: Mike Rogers

Welcome to ‘The Strategist Six’, a feature that provides a glimpse into the thinking of prominent academics, government officials, military officers, reporters and interesting individuals from around the world. 1. It appears that the United …

An agenda for Australia’s lead cyber negotiator

Together with 24 other states, Australia will serve on the new UN Group of Governmental Experts (UN GGE) on ‘developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security’. Following the …

Internet hijacking: it’s nothing personal

When you type a website address into your browser, you expect that it will take you to the site you’re trying to visit. Increasingly, however, criminals and even state-backed hackers are using a technique known …

Suspicion for parliamentary hack must fall on China

Scott Morrison’s shock announcement in parliament that the three major political parties have had their computer systems hacked by a ‘sophisticated state actor’ will have impacts long after the federal election. There’s a lot that …