Tag Archive for: "defence budget"
Smart buyer: just saying it doesn’t make it so

A key metric for the delivery of the 2016 Integrated Investment Plan is the approval of defence procurement projects. However, after years of uninterrupted transparency, the government has stopped disclosing what it approves. While that …

Budget 2017: the highlights

Long story short: the government continues to deliver the funding promised in its 2016 Defence White Paper. Next financial year, the Defence budget will grow by over 6% in real terms, to reach $34.7 billion—equivalent …

Beast of burden

If Hawaiian-born Obama had done it, people would have said he had kahunas. But we’re talking about New York native Donald Trump, so the word is chutzpa. According to Fox News, Trump handed German Chancellor …

ASPI suggests

There’s been a heft of useful reads in the last week about new US Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, born of curiosity about the man, the outcomes his recent jaunt to Asia, and judgements …