Tag Archive for: "Defence White Paper 2016"
Defining community resilience: where to begin?

Australia’s new Defence White Paper has plenty to say about a ‘secure, resilient Australia’. Paragraph 3.6 states: ‘Our interest in a secure, resilient Australia also means an Australia resilient to unexpected shocks, whether natural or …

DWP 2016 and self-reliance

There’s little that’s new in our new White Paper, but there’s one bold innovation which has so far received less attention that it deserves. The Turnbull Government has substantially downgraded, if not quite completely abandoned, …

DWP 2016: an industry perspective

The release of the Defence White Paper, Defence Integrated Investment Plan (DIIP) and Defence Industry Policy Statement (DIPS) provides what industry has been asking for over the last 18 months; some certainty. Certainty about how …