Tag Archive for: "diplomacy"
That transcript: the Turnbull/Trump call re-examined

The full transcript of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s now infamous phone call with President Donald Trump seems to offer something for everyone. Coverage and analysis has ranged from describing the call as one of Turnbull’s …

Germany’s new power of the purse

Last week, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel interrupted his holiday on the North Sea to respond to Turkey’s jailing of a German human-rights activist. Gabriel warned German tourists about the dangers of visiting Turkey, and …

Trump’s Middle East stumbles

The recent six-month mark of Donald Trump’s presidency serves as a reminder not only of how little his administration has accomplished domestically, but also of how his meandering foreign policy has created a geopolitical landscape …

John McCain—a personal note

Senator John McCain walked back into the US Senate last week and there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. It was an unexpected event, as all knew of the terrible diagnosis of cancer of …

China: spy ships and shy generals

The most obvious response to the Chinese intelligence-gathering ship snooping around in Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone in the Coral Sea would have been to put a RAAF P-3 maritime patrol aircraft right over the top …