Tag Archive for: "diplomacy"
Trump, it’s time to get smart

President Obama’s ‘rebalance’ to Asia was officially pronounced dead in March this year. Susan Thorton, the assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, stated: ‘I think you can probably expect that this …

Trump’s diplomatic deficit

Connecting the strategic dots between Afghanistan, Syria, and North Korea has become an unavoidable task. Only by doing so can the world begin to discern something resembling a coherent, if misguided, approach to US foreign …

ASPI suggests

The horrific chemical attack that took place in Syria’s Idlib province this week is yet another brutal milestone for those living fractured lives in a broken country. It’s thought that upwards of 80 people were killed, …

Out of time in North Korea

There is a growing consensus that the first genuine crisis of Donald Trump’s presidency could involve North Korea and, more specifically, its ability to place a nuclear warhead on one or more ballistic missiles possessing …

North Korea missile test and Trump

The North Korean missile test over the weekend has emphasised the point President Obama reportedly made to President-elect Trump shortly after his electoral success: North Korea should be at the top of the new President’s …