Tag Archive for: "Donald Trump"
Donald Trump’s foreign-policy challenges

During his campaign, US President-elect Donald Trump questioned the alliances and institutions that undergird the liberal world order, but he spelled out few specific policies. Perhaps the most important question raised by his victory is …

The Donald and the Shy Trump voter

Donald Trump’s victory marks the biggest political upset in living memory. A man without solid party support nor any major newspaper editorial or celebrity endorsements has defeated  Hillary Rodham Clinton, the queen of the political establishment …

Could Donald Trump really win?

Hillary Clinton is in trouble. Since the FBI’s decision to reopen its investigation into the former Secretary of State’s handling of classified information on a private email server, Donald Trump has pulled even with the …

Cyber wrap

It was announced late last week that Australia’s biggest data breach to date had affected donors to the Red Cross Blood Service. A back-up database of 550,000 donor records (including names, contact details and behavioural …

America after the election

The ongoing presidential campaign in the United States stands out for its lack of civility and the vast differences between the candidates: the anti-establishment businessman Donald Trump on the Republican side and the polished politician …