Tag Archive for: "Donald Trump"
Can US–Pakistan relations be reset?

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s recently concluded three-day visit to Washington was aimed at resetting US–Pakistan relations. The relationship has been under great strain for several years and reached its nadir after the assumption of …

ASPI suggests

The world China this week released its new defence white paper titled China’s national defense in the new era—see here for the English version. Australia is mentioned a grand total of once in the 51-page …

America needs to talk about China

Of all the changes in US foreign policy that President Donald Trump’s administration has made, the most consequential is the adoption of a confrontational stance towards China. Replacing a decades-old policy of engagement, Trump’s approach …

No economic peace for Palestinians

Last month, US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, unveiled an ambitious plan to strengthen the Palestinian economy, in the hopes that billions of dollars in investment will open the way for …

ASPI suggests

The world Team Suggests is following the Turkey–US saga as the first Russian-made S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems arrive in Ankara. For an explanation of why Turkey would purchase Russian weaponry despite the US’s stern warnings, …