Tag Archive for: "Donald Trump"
Watching the North Korea watchers

A major crisis on the Korean peninsula would be the most significant event of our time. If it were a conflict, the Pentagon estimates that there could be around 20,000 fatalities a day in South …

Policy, Guns and Money: US midterms

In this special podcast we look at next week’s crucial US midterms. Our guests are Stephen Loosley and Dr Gorana Grgic. Both are US specialists and both offer fascinating insights into this keenly observed election.

The new tyranny of the dollar

Donald Trump may not want to launch wars in the Middle East, but that doesn’t mean he’s getting the United States out of the regime-change business. His administration has made it clear that it wants …

The folly of MbS

What should come first in international politics: values or interests? For the West, this dilemma has been thrown into sharp relief by the murder of the self-exiled Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of …

US foreign policy and the start of a new cold war

America’s greatest error was not the Iraq war, calamitous self-inflicted wound though it was. Rather, it was adopting Francis Fukuyama’s now discredited idea that the end of the Cold War marked ‘the universalization of Western …