Tag Archive for: "Donald Trump"
Donald Trump and the decline of US soft power

The evidence is clear. Donald Trump’s presidency has eroded America’s soft power. Only 30% of people recently polled by Gallup in 134 countries held a favourable view of the United States under Trump’s leadership, a …

Trump’s Iran ultimatum

In a public statement on 12 January, President Donald Trump again waived US sanctions against Iran, keeping alive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), at least for now. Trump gave ‘Europeans allies’ 120 days …

The Pakistan conundrum

Harold Brown, the US defence secretary under President Jimmy Carter, was reported to have described the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union in these terms: ‘When we build, they build. And …

Giving democracy the finger

Some of the most iconic—and perhaps misleading—news images of the 21st century were of smiling Iraqis holding up their purple-ink-stained index fingers to show that they had voted in their country’s January 2005 election. For …