Tag Archive for: "Donald Trump"
Australia, ANZUS and regional order

Since Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election last month, the volume of discussion about Australia’s relationship with the US and our region has increased sharply. Politicians, officials, think-tankers and journalists have all weighed …

ASPI suggests

Hello, comrades. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare released a sobering report (PDF) this week about the incidence of suicide among serving and ex-serving ADF personnel. The report, said to be the first comprehensive …

Trump and the Middle East cauldron

One of the hallmarks of a presidential transition in the United States is a comprehensive policy review, aimed at determining which policies to retain and which to eliminate or change. As President-elect Donald Trump moves …

ANZUS in the age of Trump

In the unsettled weeks since Donald Trump’s election, many prominent voices in Australia’s strategic policy community—including Kim Beazley , Dennis Richardson, Angus Houston and of course Malcolm Turnbull—have rushed to answer the question whether Mr …