Tag Archive for: "Emmanuel Macron"
Has Macron gone too far?

You can be talented, handsome, rhetorically skilled and politically brave, and yet suffer for it. In the long run, prudence and restraint are crucial ingredients of successful leadership, and it is precisely those two qualities …

Inside Macron’s Russia initiative

French President Emmanuel Macron is one of those leaders who wants to bend the arc of history. Having upended French politics, he has secured positions for his preferred candidates at the head of the European …

The emotion of Notre Dame

People were chanting, praying and crying, or just frozen in total disbelief, as the flames engulfed ‘their’ cathedral of Notre Dame, the object of their individual and collective memory. The emotions of those who witnessed …

Bringing Poland back to Europe

French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent call to reform the European Union is a sign of hope for the entire continent. Even though we have our differences, we’re in agreement when it comes to the essential …

Parsing Macron’s ‘Dear Europe’ letter

President Emmanuel Macron’s address to the ‘citizens of Europe’ is directed at the upcoming European Parliament elections. The European Parliament is a directly elected EU body with legislative, supervisory and budgetary responsibilities, and in the …