Tag Archive for: "Europe"
Has Macron gone too far?

You can be talented, handsome, rhetorically skilled and politically brave, and yet suffer for it. In the long run, prudence and restraint are crucial ingredients of successful leadership, and it is precisely those two qualities …

The lost promise of 1989

After the collapse of communism in Europe in 1989, many dreamed of building a united and free continent with the European Union at its core. But 30 years later, Europeans have awoken to a new …

The mainstreaming of corruption

As we’ve seen in recent years, domination by a populist party can lead to the deep polarisation of an electorate. But it also erodes the ethical fabric of political life. Unable to defeat populists through …

Ukraine gets its chance

Suddenly, opinion polls find that Ukrainians are more optimistic about their future than are citizens of most other countries. That will come as a surprise to many, given Ukraine’s manifold challenges. And yet it is …