Tag Archive for: "Europe"
Cyber wrap

Pinged all devices on the Internet, here's a map of where they're located :) pic.twitter.com/G3fiNcKCul — John Matherly (@achillean) August 28, 2014 This week, the Internet governance debate descends on Istanbul, with the start of …

Cyber wrap

Today’s cyber wrap comes to you from Tokyo where members of the ICPC team are soaking up the warm weather and engaging the Japanese Institute of International Affairs on their thoughts on cyber dynamics in …

ASPI suggests

Russia continues to generate the top international security stories for this week. On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin justified his actions in Crimea in an impassioned speech to the Parliament (the official translation available here). …

QDR 2014: more reassurance than worry

Peter Jennings’ recent post on the 2014 QDR led me to read the report—and its 50% longer, more ambitious and less focussed 2010 predecessor. I’ll adopt Peter’s format of worries and hopes/opportunities for Asia-Pacific allies and …