Tag Archive for: "European Union"
Trump tramples Europe

After a week of hosting US President Donald Trump for a variety of visits and summits, Europe’s leaders may be excused for paraphrasing Charles Dickens’s summary of another tumultuous time in their continent’s history: ‘It …

Only Poles can save Polish democracy

Massive protests in Warsaw have made headlines around the world in recent weeks. Poles are demonstrating against legislation enacted by the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party that would lower the retirement age of Supreme …

ASPI suggests

The world Mexico voted, and The New Yorker has an in-depth profile of newly elected president Andrés Manuel López Obrador. AMLO, as he’s referred to, has a plateful of work in front of him now, …

Germany: a brittle truce

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her government haven’t had a good couple of weeks. After a tortuous, deeply divisive and increasingly acrimonious debate, Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU)—conservative coalition partners for almost 70 …

How democratic is the euro?

When Italy’s president recently vetoed the appointment of the Eurosceptic Paolo Savona as finance minister in the government proposed by the Five Star Movement–League party alliance, did he safeguard or undermine his country’s democracy? Beyond …