Tag Archive for: "European Union"
ASPI suggests

The world First up this week, an unusual coalition of far-right and anti-establishment parties has been sworn into office in Italy. For a comprehensive understanding of how social media propelled the populists to the political …

Will Italy’s populists upend Europe?

‘They are trying to stop us with the usual blackmail of rising spreads, falling stock markets and European threats,’ wrote Matteo Salvini, leader of Italy’s League party, on his Facebook page. ‘This time,’ Salvini insisted, …


Europe’s problems just seem to grow worse. The huge and continuing dislocation caused by Brexit is bad enough, but the news is also disturbing on several other fronts. The continued weakening of Germany’s (and its …

Will defunding Hungary and Poland backfire?

Discussions surrounding the European Union’s 2021–2027 budget are intensifying, owing to many European policymakers’ insistence that regional development funds be disbursed only to member states that are in compliance with EU rules. Under the Copenhagen Criteria, …