Tag Archive for: "foreign aid"
The purposes of the Pacific pivot

In the South Pacific, Australia confronts the law of untended purposes. The law states that if you don’t tend to your policy and political purposes, stuff goes off course and the unexpected arrives. If your …

Why Australia’s aid is a key soft-power asset

Australia’s overseas aid program is a highly effective, if underutilised and underappreciated, soft-power asset. That claim might sound strange coming from someone who works for an international development NGO, known more for challenging conceptions of …

Getting realistic about the South Pacific

Advocates of stronger and more effective Australian engagement in the South Pacific face a couple of entrenched structural challenges. First, the region is hardly critical to Australia’s economic future—the South Pacific accounts for a mere …

Pivoting to the Pacific

Over the past year, there’s been a frenzy of public interest—in Australia and beyond—in the Pacific region. The concern has, of course, been focused on China’s growing activities in the Pacific islands. All of the …