Tag Archive for: "foreign policy"
Framing the Australia–China relationship

A flurry of attacks on the Turnbull government’s handling of the Australia–China relationship has captured the media’s attention. First a columnist for the Financial Review on a Fortescue-funded trip to China’s Bo’ao Forum punched out …

Big chill between China and Australia

The fifth icy age has descended on China–Australia relations—cooling business, frosting diplomacy and chilling strategic perspectives. China has put Australia into diplomatic ‘deep freeze’. China speaks of ‘a growing lack of mutual trust’, accusing Australia …

Mittel power Australia and Germany

Malcolm Turnbull’s travel to the UK, Germany, France and Belgium next week reinforces the higher priority that his government has put on relations with key European countries. A major focus of Turnbull’s visit will be …

Awkward alarum: China, Vanuatu and Oz

Australia’s reaction to the idea of a China getting ‘a full military base’ in Vanuatu ranged from aghast to agog. Coming amid what’s already a big chill in Canberra–Beijing relations, the base brouhaha is a …