Tag Archive for: "foreign policy"
Musing on Australia’s ASEAN future

Mahathir Mohamad thinks Australia might earn the right to join ASEAN. Indeed, Dr M. thinks Australia could be ‘entitled’ to ASEAN membership. Pause for a moment of amazement. This is Dr Mahathir, the Malaysian leader …

Australia’s strategic policy: what’s plan B?

There’s a problem now with Australia’s strategic logic. It isn’t a criticism of previous strategic guidance documents that they failed to anticipate seminal events that affected the international environment: the 1991 collapse of the Soviet …

Suharto’s ASEAN versus the ASEAN Community

An Australia fully embracing Southeast Asia will be seeking to join the ASEAN Community, not Suharto’s ASEAN. The glimpse Australia has of its future in Southeast Asia—framed by Indonesia—is the opportunity offered by Jokowi rather …

A new order for the Indo-Pacific

Security dynamics are changing rapidly in the Indo-Pacific. The region is home not only to the world’s fastest-growing economies, but also to the fastest-increasing military expenditures and naval capabilities, the fiercest competition over natural resources, …