Tag Archive for: "foreign policy"
Australia and France: where next for the like-minded?

This year’s Presidential election in France will be unusually significant for Australia, though it’s not likely to alter the substance of our bilateral relationship. The interests that Australia and France share run too deep for …

Trump and the twilight of American primacy

President Donald Trump’s emergent foreign policy agenda is a repudiation of the largely bipartisan consensus that has dominated US grand strategy since the end of World War Two: that the US should seek and maintain …

Obama’s foreign policy legacy in three quotes

After the Bush administration, many believed that President Obama would bring stability to the global order with a fusion of eloquent rhetoric, a preference for multilateralism and a cautious approach to exercising the politico-military capabilities …

When the going gets tough…

…the tough get going—trite, perhaps, but appropriate in our current circumstances. 2016 ends in a much darker place than it started. The sense of reluctant resignation with which the year began has morphed into doubt …

Defence White Papers at 40

While Australia, like the rest of the world, has been trying to assess the implications of the election of Donald J. Trump, we’ve missed some other events or anniversaries that would normally have drawn our …