Tag Archive for: "foreign policy"
ASPI suggests

  Although China’s rise is hardly stop-press stuff, a couple of recent excellent pieces have held a microscope to the powerful state’s relationships with its near and not-so-near neighbours. First off, this Washington Post piece …

The Trumping of US foreign policy

The United States’ presidential campaign, already long and tumultuous, will no doubt become even more so in the coming months, as the two parties’ nominees, now officially selected, face off ahead of November’s election. But …

An Indonesia time-bomb

Deep into the Press Club foreign affairs debate a faint ticking started—the hint of a time-bomb in Australia–Indonesia relations. The Indonesia time-bomb wasn’t directly mentioned, just hinted. That is apt because Australia’s international relations have …

Putting ANZUS in its place

During the Cold War, we were good allies to the Americans. Our presence in Korea and Vietnam was testament to our bona fides. But prime ministers Whitlam, Fraser, Keating and Hawke all had security policy …