Tag Archive for: "future submarine project"
The current cost of the future submarine

Today I’m coming back to a subject long dear to me—the cost of the Future Submarine program. Long term followers of the subject might recall ASPI’s 2009 paper How to buy a submarine (PDF), which …

Should some of our Barracudas go nuclear?

Australia’s decision to spend $50 billion on 12 French diesel-electric Shortfin Barracuda submarines reflects a long-established government preference for non-nuclear submarine forces. But will this preference remain strategically credible in future years if our strategic …

Delivering the best—DCNS responds to its critics

Both Hans Ohff and Hugh White have expressed reservations about Australia’s future submarine and the ability of Australian industry to deliver the project in a timely manner, but they don’t have detailed knowledge of the …

Sovereignty, sovereignty, all is sovereignty

Sovereignty is the topic du jour in defence circles. The Defence Industry Policy Statement (DIPS) 2016 has replaced the concept of Priority Industry Capabilities (PICs) with Sovereign Industry Capabilities (SICs) and the Department of Defence …