Tag Archive for: "grand strategy"
Trump, mill-ponds and dropped wrenches

Despite last week’s cruise missile attack in Syria, the outlook for the strategic policy of the Trump administration is still deeply uncertain. After all, one missile strike doesn’t make a strategic policy. And US declaratory …

How much damage can President Trump do?

It really does make a difference who occupies the White House. Acknowledging that point seems beyond many commentators and policymakers in Australia. Yet, failing to recognise how important individuals can be may leave allies floundering …

Playing defence in Europe

The most frightening periods in history have often been interregnums—moments between the death of one king and the rise of the next. Disorder, war, and even disease can flood into the vacuum when, as Antonio …

Resisting pessimism in the strategy trade

At the recent ‘New Directions in Strategic Thinking’ conference, a common character trait could be found amongst the world-class collection of participants: pessimism. Not only pessimism about the state of the world today, but also …