Tag Archive for: "India"
National security wrap

The beat  Police use of tasers scrutinised in Western Australia  The ABC investigated the use of tasers by police in Western Australia using data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. The investigation was prompted …

ASPI suggests

The world China has taken centre stage this week following the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party coming to power. See IISS for the new weapons systems that were on show at the anniversary …

Kashmir: the international dimension

India’s decision last month to revoke Kashmir’s autonomy and statehood, break it into two union territories and merge them fully with the Indian union caught everyone unawares. The changes give effect to the Bharatiya Janata …

The myths of Kashmir

The Indian government’s recent decision to revoke Kashmir’s special semi-autonomous status has raised fears of yet another conflict with Pakistan over the disputed territory. But in order to understand the implications of the events unfolding …

ASPI suggests

The world Following its formal withdrawal from the INF Treaty, the US has tested a nuclear-capable medium- range cruise missile. For the details on the launch, see War is Boring. Russia and China have both …