Tag Archive for: "Iran"
US–Iran: the POTUS with the mostest

Herewith, nine conclusions to be drawn from President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran. POTUS runs the show As the President told Fox …

The US and Iran: back to square one

President Donald Trump announced this morning (Australian Eastern Standard Time) that the United States is withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal—the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)—and re-imposing the highest level of sanctions on Iran. …

The JCPOA is not the issue

The White House’s implacable hostility to the Iran nuclear deal—the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—coupled with the administration’s policy lockstep with Israel and Saudi Arabia on Iran, just brings the Middle East to the brink …

How Europe can save the Iran nuclear deal

This week, a senior German official pointed out to me that, ‘The Iran nuclear deal is the last firewall preventing military tensions in the world’s most combustible region from spilling over into thermonuclear war.’ That …

The Iran nuclear agreement: touch and go?

Britain, France and Germany, the three European signatories to the Iran nuclear agreement, are engaged in intensive negotiations with Washington and Tehran seeking a ‘supplemental agreement’ acceptable to Iran that will also persuade the US …