Tag Archive for: "Iran"
Rouhani—why is Iran’s reformer not reforming?

In his first televised interview since the recent widespread demonstrations in Iran, President Hassan Rouhani disappointed many by failing to address any of the root issues that sparked the unrest. An oppressive regime continues to …

Iran, the hollow hegemon

Israeli and Arab leaders have spent years warning of the rise of an Iranian-led Shia empire covering much of the Middle East. With Iran now linked to the Mediterranean through a land corridor that extends …

Trump’s Iran ultimatum

In a public statement on 12 January, President Donald Trump again waived US sanctions against Iran, keeping alive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), at least for now. Trump gave ‘Europeans allies’ 120 days …

The United States and Southwest Asia

The dynamics of Southwest Asia are in many ways distinct from those of neighboring South Asia and the Middle East, although they’re connected to what’s happening both to the east and west of it. The …