Tag Archive for: "Iran"
The Islamic scramble for Jerusalem

Three recent articles in The Strategist about President Donald Trump’s Jerusalem declaration—by Peter Rodgers, Mike Scrafton and Richard Haass—demonstrate that we’re dealing with narratives, concepts and emotions that no logical arguments or facts can change …

Nuclear buttons and sunsets

We’re barely into 2018 and two major crises confront the world, both with significant nuclear dimensions. On the Korean peninsula, Kim Jong-un has once again reinforced his growing nuclear weapons capability and apparent willingness to …

Frustrations and disillusionment in Iran

The demonstrations, which began in Iran’s northern city of Mashhad and quickly spread to other cities, were reportedly triggered by a surge in food prices, but they’ve taken on a broader economic and political character …

Yemen: war without end?

On 4 December, Houthi rebels in Yemen killed former president Ali Abdullah Saleh. A few days earlier, Saleh had ended his three-year-old alliance with the Houthis and sought to re-establish relations with Saudi Arabia. Saleh’s …

Dangerous portents in the Middle East

Many had assumed that the situation in the Middle East would stabilise after the defeat of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Unfortunately, the region appears to have become even more volatile and a …