Tag Archive for: "Iran"
Why Biden did a hostage deal with Iran

The US has received plenty of criticism for acceding to Iran’s policy of hostage-led negotiation for which Tehran has plenty of form. But there are a number of very knowledgeable Middle East hands in President …

The threat spectrum

Planet A Climate change is intensifying the massive bushfire sweeping across the Northern Territory’s Barkly region. The fire, which started last Friday and has torn through two million hectares, is one of many burning in …

Australia must do more about Iran 

The government’s sudden decision to refer to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza as ‘occupied Palestinian territories’ is in marked contrast to its relative silence on Iran and other issues in the Middle …

Winds of positive change in the Middle East?

The political and strategic profile of the Middle East is changing as China asserts itself as a major challenger to US unipolar domination and regional states, especially Saudia Arabia, seek more independence in shaping their …

The post-American Middle Eastern order

May was a busy month for diplomats in the Middle East. Twelve years after the Arab League suspended Syria’s membership, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was officially welcomed back into the fold. As the protracted war …