Tag Archive for: "Islamic State"
ASPI suggests

I’m kicking off today’s round-up with some good news: yesterday Indonesia’s Constitutional Court upheld the 9 July election result, reaffirming Joko Widodo would become the country’s seventh president. But before we get carried away with …

ASPI suggests

I’m kicking off today’s list with a piece by ANU’s Dr Mathew Davies who cogently argues that the anti-IS and pro-Iraq strategy of the US needs to consider a post-Iraq Middle East. Systematically outlining the …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back for another round-up of new reports, videos and podcasts in defence and international security! US President Barack Obama has announced the authorisation of two operations in Iraq: targeted airstrikes against IS convoys to protect …

ASPI suggests

I’m kicking off today with biosecurity: Ebola outbreaks in West Africa have raised fears it might spread to other continents. In a new video interview (7mins), CSIS Senior Vice President and Director, Global Health Policy …