Tag Archive for: "Japan"
Alliance management and the Trump administration

If the Trump–Turnbull call illustrated the operatic nature of the early Trump administration, then the Trump–Abe long weekend presented an alternative picture of US alliance management under the new President. Both episodes demonstrate how leader-to-leader …

ASPI suggests

TGIF—ASPI suggests is back to help you finish off your week with a healthy dose of defence and security news and analysis. Let’s get the ball rolling with three stellar spotlights that surfaced this week. The …

Japan and Oz do the trilateral on Trump

Since the 1960s, Australia and Japan have built one of Asia’s closest partnerships. I was going to say one of Asia’s most unusual, but lots of relationships in this region are strange. When times get …

A chance to get closer to Japan in the Trump era

When Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe arrives in Australia today, the second stop on a four-nation regional tour, he and his team will have thought deeply about the state of the Australia­–Japan relationship, what it …