Tag Archive for: "Japan"
Whaling and Japan’s security cooperation with Australia

Australia and Japan are key actors in the Indo–Pacific, integral to the region’s future security architecture and the prevalence of international law at sea. Australia’s location, democratic system, economy and military capabilities make the country …

Why the Japanese proposal is low risk (part 2)

Editor’s note: The Strategist has invited all three SEA 1000 contenders to explain their approach to meeting Australia’s future submarine requirement. The first post in this two-part series explored several key questions pertaining to Japan’s …

Why the Japanese proposal is low risk (part 1)

Editor’s note: The Strategist has invited all three SEA 1000 contenders to explain their approach to meeting Australia’s future submarine requirement. At the end of November last year, Japan submitted to the Australian government its …

ASPI suggests

Welcome back for another week, this time as ASPI wraps up what has been an action-packed and star-studded program at our Defence White Paper conference. If you haven’t been streaming online or following the conversation …