Tag Archive for: "maritime security"
Sea State: future frigate contenders II

With ASPI’s Future Surface Fleet conference now less than a week away, Sea State this week will continue last week’s examination of design options for the future frigate fleet. We’ll also take a look at …

Australia and the issue of border security

Why is ASPI starting a border security program? Why is border security important to an island country with no land borders? Where and what is a border in a globalised world? In the past a …

Assessing Australian energy vulnerability

Some analysts have recently observed that Australia isn’t complying with its International Energy Agency obligations—it’s the only member of the International Energy Agency (IEA) that doesn’t have a 90-day supply of strategic petroleum reserves. But …

ASPI suggests

This week’s reading picks include US grand strategy, India’s Machiavelli, oversight in Afghanistan and China’s two silk roads, also Jokowi’s CNN interview, new podcasts and more. If America is to assure its future security and …