Tag Archive for: "Middle East"
The US and Iran are hostages of history

During the recent flare-up between the United States and Iran, US President Donald Trump tweeted that he was prepared to bomb ‘52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago)’. …

No winners in US–Iran standoff

When it comes to American policy in the Middle East, the only certainty is complete uncertainty. What conclusions can we draw from the past 24 hours in the decades-long Iran–US crisis? First, Iran was the …

The post-American Middle East

It was 5 August 1990, just days after Saddam Hussein’s Iraq had invaded and conquered all of Kuwait, and US President George H.W. Bush could not have been clearer as he spoke from the South …

Policy, Guns and Money: Beersheba Dialogue

In this episode, Strategist editor Jack Norton covers this year’s Beersheba Dialogue, the annual conference between ASPI and the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, named after the World War I battle. He speaks to former …