Tag Archive for: "national security"
Cyber wrap

Prime Minister Turnbull announced a significant restructure of Australia’s national security community and Australia’s set to get a new Office of National Intelligence with a yet-to-be-named director. The Australian Signals Directorate will be elevated to …

Prison radicalisation: security outweighs reform

The risk of prison radicalisation has been a complex challenge to national security for decades. Whether arising from ethno-nationalist, separatist or jihadist inmates, the threat of extremist ideas and beliefs spreading inside prison walls is …

Budget 2017: national security

National security received a higher level of Budget attention than usual this week with Monday’s announcement of $321.4 million funding over four years for the AFP. However, announcing this the day before the Budget attracted …

ASPI suggests

The horrific chemical attack that took place in Syria’s Idlib province this week is yet another brutal milestone for those living fractured lives in a broken country. It’s thought that upwards of 80 people were killed, …

Security in a disrupted world

I have always believed that our institutions should seek to reflect the diversity of our community. So you might well be expecting me to bemoan the fact that there are still too few women inhabiting …