Tag Archive for: "northern Australia"
Building back better

Australian infrastructure, along with the threat of natural or manmade disasters, is particularly complex, making infrastructure failures inevitable. That’s why I read with interest Paul Barnes’ post on improving the disaster resilience of critical infrastructure in …

Silk roads, strategy and Landbridge

It’s puzzling that mixed messages appear to be the new preferred means of signaling our strategic intent. And it’s even more puzzling that the Australian government, grappling with the delivery of a new Defence White …

Disaster resilience and northern Australia

The Abbott government wants to accelerate the development of northern Australia. To advance that goal, Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg recently announced a taskforce to explore options for reducing insurance premiums in northern Australia. The taskforce …

Reader response: Northern Australia

Andrew Davies invited a response to his recent post on Northern Australia. So I thought I would provide one. My sense is that the whole country was a ‘power projection’ base in World War 2—as …