Tag Archive for: "nuclear deterrence"
Australia’s stake in the regional nuclear order

In September, ASPI hosted the 2017 Nuclear Strategy Masterclass where leading defence and security experts dissected the current environment. Some key warnings resonated from the event: the threats that Australia faces regionally, and as a …

Nuclear norms and the UN ban treaty

On 7 July, 122 states voted to adopt a new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. It articulates the world’s collective revulsion at the humanitarian consequences of the use of nuclear weapons, under any …

North Korea: the case for preventive war

The US national security adviser, General H.R. McMaster, recently stated that the president is ‘not going to accept [North Korea] threatening the United States with a nuclear weapon … There are those who have said, …

The Iran nuclear deal: a strategy of hope?

Ramesh Thakur presents a strong case for challenging the Trump administration’s decision not to recertify the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). I’m in broad agreement with the points that he makes. His concluding thought …

Back to the future with mini-nukes?

In 2003, the Bush administration caused a furore by proposing a new type of nuclear weapon, formally called the ‘Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator’ (RNEP), to defeat hard and deeply buried targets. The term ‘mini-nuke’ quickly …