Tag Archive for: "nuclear weapons"
Why is Iran a pressing danger?

I’ve read with interest Andy Nikolic’s two posts in October and January about the need to address the threat posed by an Iranian nuclear capability. In October he wrote that ‘the threat of a nuclear-armed …

ASPI suggests

The big news in the US defence establishment this week was the resignation of Secretary Chuck Hagel. Reflections, recriminations and reasoning have come from every corner, so here’s a handful from the New York Times, …

Good Barack, bad Bibi

When it comes to cutting a nuclear deal, Tehran has to be convinced that Iran will be punished if it reneges on a deal and rewarded if it complies. The solution to that problem rests …

Iran—‘bigger and badder’ than ISIL?

Once alerted to the menace posed by brutal terrorists in Iraq and Syria, the world has swung into action with vigour and resolve—and enough potent military hardware to make even the most hardened terrorist think …