Tag Archive for: "PLA"
ASPI suggests

It’s a strange old thing, this Presidential race. Seriously. Clinton and Trump are two deeply flawed candidates, yes, but they’re eons apart on key questions experience, discipline and suitability. That seems to have had a …

Electronic warfare in the South China Sea

‘An information technology-based war at sea is sudden, cruel and short…’ was how the Chinese military characterised a peer-to-peer naval conflict at sea in a public statement at the beginning of the month during PLAN …

Marching in China’s boots

Imagine yourself walking down the long corridor to the briefing room of the Chinese Central Military Commission (CMC). What would it be like to be providing strategic policy advice to the Chinese government? What would …

What to do about China’s missile provocation?

Last week’s revelation by Fox News that China has placed two batteries of its HQ-9 air defence missile system on Woody Island in the Paracels has ignited arguments over possible responses within and beyond the …

Is President Xi really all-powerful? (part 2)

It hardly needs to be said that the name and mind-set of persons who might be persuaded to join some oppositional CCP grouping against President Xi remain entirely obscure. They’re unlikely to raise their heads …