Tag Archive for: "Russia"
ASPI suggests

‘The warrior ethos is at risk!’ Headlining today’s round-up is a speech by the US Army’s Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster at a Veterans Day ceremony. Specifically, it’s worth reading the second half, which discusses the importance …

The Russians are coming. Not.

It’s always good to spend time in Indonesia immersing oneself in the local scene and receiving a different perspective on the world. I was there for two weeks—for both a defence technology exhibition and some …

ASPI suggests

Kicking off today is Russia’s attempt to cosy up to Indonesia. A week after President Joko Widodo was inaugurated, the Russian government announced it’ll support Jokowi’s maritime policies and offer Indonesia ‘various types of ships, multi-level …

Turkey, Islamic State and the Middle East

A momentous decision was taken last week: the Turkish Parliament voted 298–98 in favour of a resolution authorising military incursions into northern Iraq and Syria, and allowing foreign forces to use Turkish territory for operations …

Cyber wrap

Shellshock (n) 1. psychological disturbance caused by prolonged exposure to active warfare, especially being under bombardment; 2. a particularly alarming software bug that could be used to take control of hundreds of millions of machines around …