Tag Archive for: "Russia"
Keeping the Balkan ghosts at bay

European Union leaders have suddenly awoken to new realities in the Balkans. At a recent summit, they emphasised the need for increased EU engagement to maintain stability—and to push back against Russian influence—in the region. …

Cyber in 2017: reading last year’s tea leaves

2016 was a tumultuous year in cyber security. But there were three stories in particular that will likely have implications for events this year. The first is Russia’s cyber influence campaign that helped Donald Trump …

From the bookshelf: Lenin on the Train

The great Russian writer, Vladimir Nabokov, probably described VI Lenin best, when he observed that the Bolshevik leader’s ideology was like a pail of milk of human kindness, with a dead rat at the bottom. …

ASPI suggests

Ahoy, loyal readers. The Trump–Russia story continues to roll on, or does it? A few voices have piped up in the last week or so to warn Trump’s critics/the media about the difference between finding …

Can the US and Russia devise a plan for Syria?

The advent of a new administration in Washington, one with the declared intention to improve relations with Moscow, presents an opportunity for a fresh approach to resolve the dire problem of Syria. Currently a grim …